I Adopted Your Dog Today

Old Dog

I adopted your dog today...
The one you left at the pound;
The one you had for ten years
And no longer wanted around.

I adopted your dog today...
Did you know that he's lost weight?
Did you know he's scared and depressed
And seems to have lost all faith?

I adopted your dog today...
He had fleas and a little cold;
Guess you don't care what shape he's in
— You abandoned him I am told.

I adopted your dog today...
Were you having a baby or moving away?
Did you suddenly develop allergies,
Or was there NO reason he couldn't stay?

I adopted your dog today...
He doesn't play or even eat much;
I guess he's very sad inside and
It'll take time for him to trust.

I adopted your dog today...
And here he is going to stay;
He's found his FOREVER home
And a warm bed in which to lay.

I adopted your dog today...
And shall give him all that he will need
— Patience, love, and security,
So he can forget your selfish deed.

Author Unknown



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